Last updated on November 15, 2022

Volume 01 Issue 02 – 20th June 2020
Cyber Security Threats in 2020
What would be the next?
It is a simple law that when technology becomes more and more advanced the misuse of it and subsequently the security issues also increase. This fact is about technology versus hardware compatibility.
Yes – the cause is 5G!
“5G will result in the first public disclosure of a data breach caused by a mobile device. Extremely fast 5G connectivity will enable new capabilities for self-driving cars, remote robotic surgeries, and many other applications that require decisions to be made in single-digit milliseconds. However, it will also accelerate the amount of data lost on mobile devices…”

Internet users on social media have an average of 8 accounts. The average user has an account on more than 8 different social media platforms, and spends an average of 2 hours and 29 minutes using social media each day.

One Time Password (OTP) is a service which users provides an extra layer of security. This is mostly used when accessing accounts and carrying out financial transactions etc. to identify the real user of the account.
IC3 Releases Alert on mobile banking apps: The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has released an alert warning consumers of cyber risks associated with mobile banking apps. As more consumers rely on mobile apps for banking, malicious cyber actors are likely to increasingly target them with app-based banking Trojans and fake banking apps.
Two vulnerabilities that can be used by the attackers to hack into the zoom application via chat have been identified by cybersecurity researchers.
(Names and places mentioned herein are hypothetical.)
One day Lyan’s mother, who was 65 years old, received a message to her phone and became quite curious about it.
The message said:
She was a person who never thought that anyone would deceive her. Therefore, believed that her lucky number had won the so called lottery and just because she didn’t know how to compose an email to send the required details, waited till Lyan arrived home. When he came ….

Hithawathi had a discussion with its stakeholders in order to identify the major issues currently faced by women & children in cyberspace and come up with solutions for them.
What was pointed out the most in this forum was the abuse of photos / videos plus misuse of others’ personal information when the relationships break up, cyber bulling and dark web issues.
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Awareness Programmes
Hithawathi @ UNDP Hackadev Program – Engaging Youth to innovate solutions to address Cyber Violence – invited by UNDP – on the 17th Oct 2109 – Collaboration with UNDP, ICTA & Ministry of Education
Venue: Chilaw – Jetwing Blue, Negombo
Participants: University Students