Last updated on October 17, 2022
Names and places mentioned herein are hypothetical.
Last year when Chami was going to use an ATM, she noticed some guys wearing XYZ bank t-shirts and were doing something near the ATM. One of them saw her and said,
Sorry, we are from the Maintenance division and you may go ahead.
Insert your card.
I’ll check if it’s working properly for you
The next day, she received a call from the bank to get the last withdrawal amount confirmed and asked what she experienced on the previous day near the ATM. She explained everything that happened and wondered why the bank was requesting those details. Then she was informed that the gang, who pretended to be the bank staff, was trying to fix skimming ATM devices, asking customers to insert the cards and watch pin numbers that enable the skimmer to forge the cards and steal money later.
Precaution tips: Ask the person to present the bank ID. In case the person fails to provide the bank ID, call and verify from the bank if such maintenance is happening there.
Show nobody the pin you enter.
For more information : FIXING SKIMMING DEVICES