Last updated on July 19, 2024

Names and places mentioned herein are hypothetical.

Pubudu and Sahani were a young couple who had a precious little boy that brought immense joy into their lives. Their son was a playful child, always full of energy. However, as time went on, he started complaining to Sahani about feeling excessively tired after playing. Initially, Sahani didn’t pay much attention to it, but after a few days, she began to realize the seriousness of the situation and decided to take their son to see a doctor.

During the doctor’s examination, he recommended several tests and requested to review the reports afterward. After reviewing the reports, the doctor urged Pubudu not to panic upon hearing the news initially. Unfortunately, the reports revealed that their son had cancer, but the doctor assured them that since it was in the early stages, there was a higher chance for a successful treatment.

Upon hearing the disappointing news, Pubudu was overwhelmed with grief and couldn’t find the words to express his emotions. He stepped outside, tears streaming down his face. Sahani, seeing his pain, rushed to comfort him. After some time, Pubudu gathered the strength to share the news with Sahani, and she too was crying with sorrow. However, Pubudu made a promise to Sahani that he would do everything he can to help their son recover.

Pubudu spoke to the doctor once again, who suggested that they consider taking their son to Singapore for treatment. However, the doctor emphasized that it would require a large amount of finances. As Pubudu left the hospital, he immediately started planning the needed finances.

Pubudu : Sahani, I was thinking of taking a loan, but I don’t think it will be enough.

Sahani : What if we post some advertisements on fundraising websites and Facebook? I can create the advertisement.

Pubudu : That’s a good idea. Let’s do it

Sahani created an advertisement using their son’s pictures and medical records. With a heartfelt message and Pubudu’s bank account number, she posted it on Facebook and various fundraising websites. The post gained significant attention and received numerous shares throughout the day. People started depositing money into their account, showing their support and generosity.

About a week later, Sahani received a call from one of her friends with shocking news.

Sahani’s friend : Hello Sahani, I just saw your son’s post shared by someone, but the account number and name were not Pubudu’s.

Sahani : Really? How could this happen?

Sahani’s friend : I’m not sure. You should inform Pubudu now itself.

Concerned and confused, Sahani called Pubudu and conveyed the upsetting information. Pubudu, in turn, got advice from his friends, who suggested reaching out to Hithawathi , an initiative specializing in providing support in such situations.

Pubudu contacted Hithawathi and explained what had happened. Hithawathi advised Pubudu to gather all the necessary information about the altered post and report it immediately. They also suggested to check the post closely and, if necessary, reach out to them again for advanced reporting. Additionally, Hithawathi gave them the option of pursuing legal action through Computer Crime Investigation Division (CCID) of Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

Precaution tips:

  • If you come across your own or someone else’s photos being misused by a third party, report it promptly. One accurate report is usually sufficient
  • If your child is under the age of 13, and you wish to have their image removed from Facebook, you can fill in this form provided by Facebook’s Help Center
  • Reach out to 1929 Child Helpline of National Child Protection Authority (NCPA), which ensures taking action against all forms of child abuse that occur in Sri Lanka
  • Cyber-criminal complaints, supported by relevant evidence, can be submitted to the CID, either by registered post addressed to “The Director, Criminal Investigation Department, Colombo 01” or via email at
  • Don’t hesitate to reach out to Hithawathi for support in reporting and removing any harmful content, such as family pictures, videos, or other material that may negatively impact you when published online