Last updated on September 12, 2023

Names and places mentioned herein are hypothetical.

Hashini was at her workplace and it was quiet a busy day for her. As soon as she got her lunch break, she logged on to Facebook and was scrolling up and down. While she was checking her News Feed, she got a message on Messenger with a link. This message link was sent by a person named as Kamal Perera.

Kamal Perera is a Facebook friend of Hashini and has been a mutual friend of lots of her Facebook friends as well. As per Hashini, Kamal Perera is a famous person in their town and he is into film industry but she has never met him or seen him in person.

Kamal Perera – Click on the below link
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and register for free movies
Hashini – Clicks the link

After several minutes Hashini receives another message from Kamal Perera, and to Hashini’s surprise she gets a personal video of her on Messenger which had been stored in her phone.

Hashini gets so horrified and to her surprise the link that she got had been forwarded to a lot of friends of her on Messenger via her profile. Further Kamal Perera does not stop there. He threatens Hashini too.

Kamal Perera – Answer my call or I will make your video viral

Hashini gets scared and feels like committing suicide because she knows very well that she cannot face the society and even come to her workplace if this video gets viral. She just sits and waits not knowing what to do. Her work colleague at office who is a good friend of her notices this and asks her the reason. She tells what happened and Hashini’s friend who has heard of Hithawathi before directs her to Hithawathi.

Hithawathi listens to Hashini’s story and notices that her phone could have been hacked by the malicious link which has been sent by Kamal Perera and directs her to CID Social Media Unit, and advises her to be strong at that moment and contact 1926 (Special Mental Health Hotline) or Sumithrayo if she was feeling low due to this horrifying incident.

Furthermore Hithawathi informs her about the precautions that she should take when using social media.

Precaution tips:

  • Do not click on links sent by unknown and also do not click links that are suspicious even if it’s sent by your friends as their accounts can be compromised too
  • Check the validity of links with a reliable link checker
  • Do not trust unknown people who chat with you in cyberspace.
  • Contact 1926 (Special Mental Health Hotline) or Sumithrayo when you feel low due to these types of incidents.
  • Cyber-criminal complaints that are clearly mentioned with relevant evidence (correct links, screenshots, etc.) can be handed over to the CID, or sent to “The Director, Criminal Investigation Department, Colombo 01” by registered post. Additionally, you have the option of emailing the same via